Prerequisite: Even though Xiami account is not compulsory, however you would lost some of songs to search without login.
Further: Add metadata, such as album image to the mp3, refer to eyeD3 (
How to decode mp3 location:
Example: 8h2xt%8%72%3tFi%2%26_5t%a2F2591Ep2mF3F23%3%Fi66%%4593f.95552E.A3n98EE25m%.e251181p, 8 is the desired matrix's row number. Drop the 8, then h2xt%8%72%3tFi%2%26_5t%a2F2591Ep2mF3F23%3%Fi66%%4593f.95552E.A3n98EE25m%.e251181p is our substring to build the matrix. Get the length of h2xt%8%72%3tFi%2%26_5t%a2F2591Ep2mF3F23%3%Fi66%%4593f.95552E.A3n98EE25m%.e251181p, is 81. then 81 divide by desired 8, is 10. If 81 % 8 is not a zero, i call it overflow, and the maximum length become 10+1=11. () Length of each row ONLY can consists of (maximum length of all rows, 11) and (maximum length of all rows -1, 10). Finally, unquote the url(%3A become =), and then replace ^(%5E) as 0 character.
As you can see, matrix[0][0] -> matrix[0][1] -> matrix[0][2] -> matrix[0][3] -> matrix[0][4] -> matrix[0][5] -> matrix[0][6] - matrix[0][7]
is equal to http%3A%
Then, matrix[1][0] -> matrix[1][1] -> matrix[1][2] -> matrix[1][3] -> matrix[1][4] -> matrix[1][5] -> matrix[1][6] - matrix[1][7] is equal to 2F%2Ff3.
And so on...
Then combine all column become http%3A%2F%2Ff3....blahblahblah..mp3
Unquote and replace the ^ as 0,
NOTE: Download the mp3 with firefox.
Tha't s no guarantee download success using different web browsers because of the http referer header validation.
Fixed bug 15 March 2013 : cookies file naming Fixed bug 15 March 2013 : escape single quote on url/folder/song name when download
New feature 15 March 2013 : Download all today's recommended mp3
New feature 15 March 2013 : Naming convention, Artist name - song name.mp3
60298 is artist radio id
The location's link have to decode to get final mp3 link.
Downloader front
Download collection's all songs - recommend collection id is shown
Download entire artist radio
Downloader Source code:
#author: <> EMAIL = "" #PUT YOUR EMAIL HERE !!! PASSWORD = "" #PUT YOUR PASSWORD HERE !!! USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.60 Safari/537.17" CONN_TYPE_HEADER = "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" FAKE_REFERER = "" #the key is, not necessary full url required COOKIES_FILE = "/tmp/xiami_cookie" #linux !!! loc_list = [] col_list = []
import os import sys import time import signal import urllib import urllib2 import subprocess from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
if s_len % first_char: #print "s_len % first_char: ", s_len % first_char slice_len_upper = int(s_len / first_char) + 1 slice_len = slice_len_upper - 1 overflow = (int(s_len % first_char)) else: #print "s_len % first_char2: ", s_len % first_char slice_len_upper = int(round( s_len / first_char )) slice_len = slice_len_upper overflow = None #print "slice_len_upper: ", slice_len_upper #print "slice_len : ", slice_len #print "overflow : ", overflow sub_str = s[1:] #print "sub_str : ", sub_str if overflow: sub_str2 = sub_str[ : overflow*slice_len_upper ] #print "sub_str2 : ", sub_str2 m = [sub_str2[i:i+slice_len_upper] for i in range(0, len(sub_str2), slice_len_upper)] #print "m : ", m sub_str3 = sub_str[ overflow*slice_len_upper : ] #print "sub_str3 : ", sub_str3 m2 = [sub_str3[i:i+slice_len] for i in range(0, len(sub_str3), slice_len)] #print "m2 : ", m2 else: #None ,also including 0 m2 = [sub_str[i:i+slice_len_upper] for i in range(0, len(sub_str), slice_len_upper)] #print "m2 : ", m2 m.extend(m2) #print "m: ", m f = "" for n in range(slice_len_upper): for mm in m:
if len(mm) > n: f = "".join([f, mm[n]]) #else: # print n, len(mm) return urllib.unquote(f).replace("^", "0")
def xiami_login(): success = False try: login_page_cmd = 'curl -Lk --compressed --connect-timeout 30 -4 -c "'+COOKIES_FILE+'" -H \'Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate\' -H \'\' -H \'Connection:close\' -A \''+USER_AGENT+'\' -X GET \"\"' proc = subprocess.Popen(login_page_cmd, shell=True, bufsize=2048, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) data = proc.stdout r = input_list = [] post_data = "" name = "" value = "" soup = BeautifulSoup(r) input_list = soup.html.form.findAll('input') for i in input_list: name = i.get("name", "") if name == "email": value = EMAIL elif name == "password": value = PASSWORD else: value = i.get("value", "") try: value = value.encode('utf-8') except Exception, e: print "xiami_login exception", e tmpdict = {} tmpdict[name] = value dictEncoded = "" dictEncoded = urllib.urlencode(tmpdict) post_data = (post_data+dictEncoded+"&") post_data = post_data[:-1] print "post_data", post_data login_cmd = "curl -k --compressed --connect-timeout 30 -4 -w '%{redirect_url}%{http_code}' --post301 --post302 -c '"+COOKIES_FILE+"' -b '"+COOKIES_FILE+"' -H 'Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate' -A '"+USER_AGENT+"' -H 'Keep-Alive:115' -H 'Connection:keep-alive' -e \";auto\" -H '"+CONN_TYPE_HEADER+"' -F \""+post_data+"\" -X POST \"\"" proc = subprocess.Popen(login_cmd, shell=True, bufsize=2048, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) data = proc.stdout r = print "r: ", r http_code = r[-3:] redirect_url = r[:-3] if http_code == "302": redirect_path = urllib2.urlparse.urlparse(redirect_url).path if "login" in redirect_path: print "Invalid username or password." else: print "login success" success = True else: print "Invalid username or password." except Exception, e: print "exception xiami_login -1 ", e return success
def folder_creator(pp): folder_name = pp #CHANGE your folder name here if you want if len(folder_name) > 255: folder_name = folder_name[:255] if not os.path.exists(folder_name): os.makedirs(folder_name) return folder_name
if not os.path.isfile(COOKIES_FILE): success = xiami_login()
else: c = open(COOKIES_FILE, "r") cc ="\t") if "member_auth" not in cc: success = xiami_login() else: success = True
if success: print "You are loggedin\n\n" else: print "Bad news, failed to login :( That's means you lost some of the songs if given radio id...etc\n\n" while 1: try: input = raw_input except Exception, e: print "exception input: ", e p = input("Press to download \n s - single song \n r - artist radio/artist \n a - album \n c - collection \n t - today's recommended \n q - quit \n :").lower() if p.lower() in ["q", "quit", "exit", "e", "bye", "end"]: print "see you :)" break else: print print "".join(["Example: ", "", ", 1770157129 is song id"]) print "".join(["Example: ", "", ", 37276 is artist radio id"]) print "".join(["Example: ", "", ", 353688 is album id"]) print "".join(["Example: ", "", ", 16835208 is collection id"]) print if p == "s": pp = input("Song id: ") # or link = "".join(["", pp]) elif p == "r": pp = input("Radio/Artist id: ") link = "".join(["", pp]) elif p == "a": pp = input("Album id: ") link = "".join(["", pp, "/type/1"]) elif p == "c": request_recommend("", "c") pp = input("Collection id: ") link = "".join(["", pp, "/type/3"]) elif p == "t": pp = "today recommended" link = "" else: continue try: request_api(link, p, pp) except Exception, e: print "not found ", e continue folder_name = folder_creator(pp) download(folder_name=folder_name)