不同 patch 不同 project。突然间要重新使用之前 patch to 某一个 project 的 commands, 才发现很死鬼乱水。因为那些 command paths 都是 similar 的, 除非有办法可以快速一眼望去哪些 commands 是坐落在哪一个时间段。
先看一下我的 ~/.bashrc 的一部分:
shopt -s histverify shopt -s histappend HISTTIMEFORMAT="%Y/%m/%d %T " alias histime='history' alias hisdefault='(HISTTIMEFORMAT=""; history;)' alias h=hisdefault alias htime=histime HISTFILESIZE= HISTSIZE= HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
上面的设置现阶段用得还 ok (除了 HISTSIZE=, 看我的解答), 但是 history 增加到成千上万的时候,那些 timestamp 就变得比较 meaningless, 一眼望去都没想过要去看时间。
通常我 type similar 的 command 时, 要 search 的时候只能靠 grep (Tab + Page Up/Down 也可以), 可是那个时间由于 multiple tabs 没有排好好,而且不懂哪里一个打哪里一个, 这个是我跑 histime 的截屏:
所以我就着手写了 hisblock.sh。
我用的 utilities 也是 builtin 的。可是我的 history 有 4 万多条 lines,shell script 一个个去 parse 很不 effcient, 慢到鬼样。
我也试过用很复杂的 binary tree , 除2 再 除 2 循环找到 time range, 但是越做越复杂,很可能有 bug 。
不过后来想想, 直接伪造两条纪录当浮标, 用 append 方式塞进去 history, 就能够直接 sort 了, 然后用 grep 找到浮标的 index, 再用 sed 拉出来, 完全不用烦什么 binary tree sorting 找时间。
然后分两种选择, either 用 default 的 B 或 加上 D。
Block 意思是连续 highlight color 只能在特定的时间范围内。 比如说你 pass 3600 秒, 在 1 小时内的 command lines 都是同一个黄色, 然后下一个小时换成红色, 以此论推。
Distance 则是 highlight color 会检查每一条 command 和下一条 command 的距离, 一旦超过特定时间范围才会变下一种 color。比如说你 pass 30 秒,如果接下去的每一个 commands 都在 30 秒内发生(不是总共哦,而是 "每条的下一条" 重新 check 30 秒), 那么就会全部同一种颜色。
#!/usr/bin/env bash #Author: <limkokhole@facebook.com> fname="hisblock.sh" h_tmp_f="/tmp/hisblock.log" h_tmp_f2="/tmp/hissorted.log" p_usage () { echo -e " BASIC SYNOPSIS: source ${fname} SINGLE_QUOTE [from_date] [from_time] [to_date] [to_time] SINGLE_QUOTE interval_in_seconds [B|D] Example Usage: . ${fname} '2015/05/21' 120 #entire day . ${fname} '01:30:00 07:30:00' 120 #default today . ${fname} '2015/05/21 01:30:00 07:30:00' 120 #same day . ${fname} '2015/05/21 01:30:00 2015/05/22 12:30:00' 120 B #'B' stands for fixed time Block, default . ${fname} '2015/05/21 01:30:00 2015/05/22 12:30:00' 120 #120 seconds . ${fname} '2015/05/21 01:30:00 2015/05/22 12:30:00' 15 D #'D' for distance between each history line instead of fixed block " } h_swap () { if (( "$start_t" > "$end_t" )); then #swap to ignore "to timestamp" and "from timestamp" arg order read start_t end_t <<<"$end_t $start_t" fi } #u must use source OR dot(like how .bashrc do) to run this script bcoz history corrupted even u do `HISTFILE=~/.bash_history` and `set -o history` if [[ "$(basename -- "$0")" == "$fname" ]]; then echo "Don't run $0, instead please use source OR better use . dot" >&2 p_usage exit #can only `return' from a function or sourced script fi do_distance=false if [ "$#" -eq 3 ]; then if [[ "$3" == 'D' ]]; then do_distance=true fi t_block="$2" elif [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then t_block="$2" else p_usage return #sourcing don't use exit fi d_atom=(`echo ${1}`) d_len="${#d_atom[@]}" if (( "$d_len" == 4 )); then start_t="$(date -d "${d_atom[0]} ${d_atom[1]}" +%s)" #start timestamp end_t="$(date -d "${d_atom[2]} ${d_atom[3]}" +%s)" #end timestamp elif (( "$d_len" == 3 )); then start_t="$(date -d "${d_atom[0]} ${d_atom[1]}" +%s)" #start timestamp end_t="$(date -d "${d_atom[0]} ${d_atom[2]}" +%s)" #end timestamp elif (( "$d_len" == 2 )); then today_d="$(date '+%Y/%m/%d')" start_t="$(date -d "${today_d} ${d_atom[0]}" +%s)" #start timestamp end_t="$(date -d "${today_d} ${d_atom[1]}" +%s)" #end timestamp elif (( "$d_len" == 1 )); then start_t="$(date -d "${d_atom[0]} 00:00:00" +%s)" #start timestamp end_t="$(date -d "${d_atom[0]} 23:59:59" +%s)" #end timestamp else p_usage return fi if [[ "$start_t" =~ ^[0-9]+$ && "$end_t" =~ ^[0-9]+$ && "$t_block" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then :; else p_usage; return; fi; h_swap HISTTIMEFORMAT="%s %Y/%m/%d %T " next_t="0" p_red=$(tput setaf 1) p_green=$(tput setaf 10) p_yellow=$(tput setaf 11) p_blue=$(tput setaf 21) p_orig=$(tput sgr0) c_arr=($p_red $p_green $p_yellow) c_arr_len="${#c_arr[@]}" color_index=0 history >"$h_tmp_f" printf "%s\n" "START $start_t `date -d @${start_t}`" >>"$h_tmp_f" printf "%s\n" "END $end_t `date -d @${end_t}`" >>"$h_tmp_f" sort -k2 -n "$h_tmp_f" > "$h_tmp_f2" start_index="$(grep -n "^S" "$h_tmp_f2"|cut -f1 -d: )" end_index="$(grep -n "^E" "$h_tmp_f2" |cut -f1 -d: )" set -f #noglob if [ "$do_distance" = false ] ; then #block sed -n $(($end_index + 1))'q;'"$start_index","$end_index"p "$h_tmp_f2" | while read -r line; do h_atom=(`echo "${line}"`) curr_t="${h_atom[1]}" if (( "$curr_t" > "$next_t" )); then printf "%s" "${c_arr[ $(($color_index % $c_arr_len)) ]}" ((color_index+=1)) ((next_t="$curr_t"+"$t_block")) fi h_tail=( "${h_atom[@]:2}" ) echo "${h_atom[0]} ${h_tail[@]}" done else #distance prev_t=0 sed -n $(($end_index + 1))'q;'"$start_index","$end_index"p "$h_tmp_f2" | while read -r line; do h_atom=(`echo "${line}"`) curr_t="${h_atom[1]}" if (( $(($curr_t - $prev_t)) > "$t_block" )); then printf "%s" "${c_arr[ $(($color_index % $c_arr_len)) ]}" ((color_index+=1)) fi prev_t="$curr_t" h_tail=( "${h_atom[@]:2}" ) echo "${h_atom[0]} ${h_tail[@]}" done fi set +f #reset glob printf "%s" "${p_orig}"
然后这个是跑了 hisblock.sh 代码的截屏:
跟之前的青一色相比, 是不是比较清晰了一些叻 :)