Saturday, 14 July 2012

Manually download baidu song on API way

Manually download baidu song on API way:
1. Open 
, "titles=" change to song title, %24%24 also means $$, the next is singer name.
, if it doesn't work, r= should change to any random number, jsonplink's 1342282653123  can change to current javascript UNIX timestamp. The javascript UNIX timestamp can get via alert(new Date().getTime()). Or as a bash way, command "date +%s" and append any 3 digits. Or as a python geek, using "{0:.0f}".format(time.time()*1000)

2: then we would got something like "

jsonplink1342282653123({"errorCode":"0","data":{"songList":[[{"songID":"0","songName":"poker face",
"artistName":"lady gaga","albumID":"0","albumName":"","lrcLink":"http:\/\/\
{"songID":"0","songName":"poker face","artistName":"lady gaga","albumID":"0","albumName":"","lrcLink":
{"songID":"0","songName":"poker face","artistName":"lady gaga","albumID":"0","albumName":"","lrcLink":
"songName":"poker face","artistName":"lady gaga","albumID":"0","albumName":"","lrcLink":
"598626"},{"songID":"0","songName":"poker face","artistName":"lady gaga","albumID":"0","albumName":"",

, extract the .mp3, .wma,..whatever make sense song extension. example
, remove the back slash "\"
, become

3. Try to download it, if no response or server error, extract "xcode=" value on the end of content we got just now,
Try download it again. Above url and xcode is example only. Normally the xcode would expired.
Chinese song example,
or just在动物园散步才是正经事%24%24my+little+airport&callback=jsonplink1335160684820&r=0.020559488740344856
Unknown singer example, portal song,$$&callback=jsonplink1335160684820&r=0.020559488740344856
First blog to mention it:)

A routine linux life

Sometime application is hang, and you may not enough expertise to analysis under the hood. Although you can command "ps aux", get the pid/name and kill -9 the pid or killall -9 the name, but there's another convenient way to kill certain window locate/click by mouse. That's "xkill" utility. Left-click can kill the window, right-click can cancel it.

I prefer add the command to panel, I didn't want to open terminal and type "xkill" when desktop already on the hang state :) [UPDATE] I use shortcut key <Super+X> nowadays.

So, right-click panel, "Add to Panel..." and Choose "Custom Application Launcher", then insert "xkill" inside both Name and Command text field. Edit the icon, just open "~/.gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers/xkill.desktop", edit the "Icon[en_US]=IMAGE_LOCATION" part. Default image is "gnome-panel-launcher".