公告 3 Jun 2014: 代码暂时不能使用了, 我懒得去更新 ~
更正 19 Feb 2014: 不适用于中文字当地址名字的目标用户, 我有解决办法,但很懒改...
我们常常看见网站有 plusone g+1 的按钮:
如果是自己按过 g+1 的话, 你的 Google Plus 帐号图片会出现在旁边, 朋友的话, 也有一定的几率在旁边看见:
至于那个数目 +3 是推荐在 Google Search 的次数.
分享是另一回事哦, 不影响 g+1 的数目, 不要混淆。你可以分享很多次。
如果是你或你的朋友的话 +1, 会显示在 Google Search 的下面, 不过, 仅限Google Plus 圈子里的朋友。如果是你自己+1,Google Search 会很快更新, 但是朋友的话,更新会花几天不定:
我这篇文章探讨的是 Google Search 的+1, 不是如下图所示的帖子的 +1哦, 不要混淆。
还有一点, g+1的按钮不限于别的网站看到的, 因为在 Google Plus 专页也能按 g+1 推荐在 Google Search。 只不过按钮不一样而已。如下图所示, +7047448 按钮。
你的 Google Search +1 过的历史可以在自己专页 的 +1 栏目看见, 当然你也可以看见别人的。
可是大多数人的隐私设定都是隐藏了 +1 的栏目。
步骤 1.
步骤 2.
(i) 在那个页面随便一个地方用滑鼠按右键, 选 "Inspect Element"(检查元素)。
(ii) 有些浏览器直接按F12键就可以了。
步骤 3.
下面会出现新的窗口(你需要用滑鼠把那个窗口拖拉大一点),你要选 Console。 不同的浏览器(IE, Chrome, Firefox)图形设计都不同, 但都是一样的步骤, 找到 Console 点击就可以了。
Gogole Chrome 浏览器的 Console:
IE 浏览器的Console:
Firefox 浏览器的Console:
步骤 4.
把下面我写的代码全选,然后copy复制。记得要一字不漏copy, 代码很敏感的, 这个代码很长, 你可能需要scroll。
var FirstPage = true; var AtleastOneItem = false; var owner = ""; var index = 1; function set_info() { docBody.innerHTML = ""; docHead.innerHTML = '<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head>'; var user = "'s +1's"; if (owner) { user = owner + user; } else { user = userid + user; } var profURL = "https://plus.google.com/" + userid; plusones = "https://plus.google.com/s2/photos/profile/" + userid; var profImg = img_create("0", "0", "100px", "100px", plusones, profURL); docBody.appendChild(profImg); var a_user = a_create(profURL, user); var h3 = d.createElement("h3"); h3.style.display = "block"; h3.appendChild(a_user); docBody.appendChild(h3); //tab title } function decodeEntities(s) { s = s.replace(/\\u003d/g, "=").replace(/\\u0026/g, "&"); //my extra, /*/g for replace all var str, temp = document.createElement('p'); temp.innerHTML = s; str = temp.textContent || temp.innerText; temp = null; return str; } function img_create(m, b, w, h, sc, t) { var i = d.createElement('img'); sc = sc || ""; t = t || ""; i.style.margin = m; i.style.border = b; i.style.width = w; i.style.height = h; i.src = sc; i.title = t; return i; } function a_create(h, t) { var a = d.createElement("a"); if (h != null) a.href = h; a.target = "_blank"; if (t != null) { var link_text = d.createTextNode(t); a.appendChild(link_text); } return a; } function div_create(t, w, h, f, ml, mh, ov, ws, pt, mw, m) { var dv = d.createElement("div"); if (t != null) dv.style.textAlign = t; if (f != null) dv.style.setProperty('float', f); //resevered word float failed in firefox if (w != null) dv.style.width = w; if (h != null) dv.style.height = h; if (ml != null) dv.style.marginLeft = ml; if (mh != null) dv.style.minHeight = mh; if (ws != null) dv.style.whiteSpace = ws; if (pt != null) dv.style.paddingTop = pt; if (mw != null) dv.style.maxWidth = mw; if (m != null) dv.style.margin = m; return dv; } function li_create(lsp) { var l = d.createElement("li"); l.style.listStylePosition = lsp; return l; } function plusoneGui(title, hname, link, jpg, description) { function loop(li2, title, hname, link, jpg, description) { var li = li_create("outside"); var ul = d.createElement("ul"); ul.style.listStyleType = "none"; //rm bullet var div3 = div_create("", "", "", "", "110px", "104px"); var title = title || ""; var hname = hname || ""; var link = link || ""; var jpg = jpg || ""; var description = description || ""; var im = img_create("0", "0", "100px", "100px", jpg, jpg); var div = div_create("center", "100px", "100px"); var a = a_create(jpg); var div2 = div_create("center", "102px", "102px", "left"); var a_title = a_create(link, title); var span = d.createElement("span"); span.appendChild(a_title); var div4 = div_create("", "", "", "", "", "", "hidden", "normal"); div4.appendChild(span); var hname = d.createTextNode(hname); var cite = d.createElement("cite"); cite.style.color = "#006621"; cite.style.fontStyle = "normal"; cite.appendChild(hname); var div5 = div_create("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "2px"); div5.appendChild(cite); var desc = d.createTextNode(description); var span2 = d.createElement("span"); span2.appendChild(desc); var div6 = div_create("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "509px", "1px 0 4px"); div6.appendChild(span2); div.appendChild(im); a.appendChild(div); div2.appendChild(a); li2.appendChild(div2); //left side pic li.appendChild(div4); //title li.appendChild(div5); //host li.appendChild(div6); //desc ul.appendChild(li); div3.appendChild(ul); li2.appendChild(div3); //right side text area } function loop2(ol, title, hname, link, jpg, description) { var li2 = li_create("outside"); loop(li2, title, hname, link, jpg, description); ol.appendChild(li2); } var ol = d.createElement("ol"); ol.start = "" + index; //int to str loop2(ol, title, hname, link, jpg, description); docBody.appendChild(ol); index++; } var cid = ""; function parse_err(e) { console.log("[" + e + "] Unknown parsing, please inform author."); throw "stop execution"; } function plusone_tab() { if (cid) { cid = "&ct=" + cid; var m = document.getElementById("moreButton"); m.parentNode.removeChild(m); //rm prev btn } else { cid = ""; } var pu = "https://plus.google.com/_/plusone/get?oid=" + userid + cid; console.log("Requesting..." + pu); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", pu); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xhr.send(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { var da = xhr.status; if (da == 200) { var r = xhr.responseText; var plusoneArray = r.split('\n'); cid = ""; //reset d = document; docBody = d.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; docHead = d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; for (var i = 0; i < plusoneArray.length; i++) { var line = plusoneArray[i]; if (line.indexOf('["1/') != -1) { if (line.indexOf('",1,,,"') != -1) { //may empty desc, so it's not always got " surround var quotes = '"'; } else { //no quotes var quotes = ''; } var lineArray = line.split('",1,,,' + quotes); if (lineArray.length > 1) { var l = lineArray[1]; var lineArray2 = l.split(quotes + ',,1'); if (lineArray2.length > 1) { var dDesc = decodeEntities(lineArray2[0]); var theRest = lineArray2[1]; var lineArray3 = theRest.split('",'); if (lineArray3.length > 3) { //if out of bound, would still show and handle by gui var dLink = decodeEntities(lineArray3[0].split(',["')[1]); var dTitle = decodeEntities(lineArray3[1].split('"')[1]); var dHost = decodeEntities(lineArray3[2].split(',"')[1]); var dImg = decodeEntities(lineArray3[3].split('fallback_url\\u003d')[1].split('"')[0]); AtleastOneItem = true; for (i++; i < plusoneArray.length; i++) { if (plusoneArray[i].indexOf('["1/') != -1) { --i; break; } else { if ((/^,[0|1],"\/\//).test(plusoneArray[i])) { // //,0,"//images OR ,1,"//images var tmpImg = decodeEntities(plusoneArray[i].split('","')[1].split('"')[0]); if (tmpImg) { dImg = tmpImg; break; } } else if ((/^,"/).test(plusoneArray[i])) { //StartsWith ," //possible when next page's last item use default img cid = plusoneArray[i].split('"')[1]; } } } if (AtleastOneItem) { AtleastOneItem = false; //reset if (FirstPage) { FirstPage = false; set_info(); } plusoneGui(dTitle, dHost, dLink, dImg, dDesc); } else { console.log("No item found"); } } else { parse_err("2"); } } else { parse_err("1"); } } else { parse_err("0"); } } else if ((/^,"/).test(plusoneArray[i])) { //StartsWith ," cid = plusoneArray[i].split('"')[1]; } } if (cid) { console.log("Next cid:" + cid); var moreBtn = d.createElement("input"); moreBtn.id = "moreButton"; moreBtn.type = "button"; moreBtn.value = "More 更多"; moreBtn.onclick = plusone_tab; docBody.appendChild(moreBtn); } else { console.log("No data"); if (FirstPage) { set_info(); var unav_text = d.createTextNode("Nothing :("); docBody.appendChild(unav_text); //tab title } } } else { console.log("Failed"); } } } } function checkid() { var ownerArray = document.querySelectorAll('[data-owner]'); if (ownerArray.length > 0) { userid = ownerArray[0].getAttribute("data-owner"); if (userid) { return userid; } } } var userid = checkid() if (!userid) { userid = window.MB_viewerId; //own page only if checkid() failed, so sequence is very important! if (userid) { console.log("data-owner success"); } else { var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split('/'); ///communities currently only digit, otherwise is always same with user profile, .e.g https://plus.google.com/+Dell/posts if (pathArray.length > 2) { if ((pathArray[1] == 'app') && pathArray[2] == 'basic') { if (pathArray[1] != "communities") { owner = pathArray[3]; //plus.google.com/app/basic/USERID/posts } else { owner = pathArray[4]; } } else if (pathArray[1] == "communities") { owner = pathArray[2]; } else if (/^[a-zA-Z0-9]$/.test(pathArray[1])) { if (/^[0-9]$/.test(pathArray[2])) { //plus.google.com/u/1/USERID/posts owner = pathArray[3]; } else { //plus.google.com/b/118094714132938124668 //currently no profile pic owner = pathArray[2]; } } else { owner = pathArray[1]; } if (!/^\d+$/.test(owner)) { if (owner[0] != '+') { console.log("[1] Failed. Unable to recognize userid."); throw "stop execution"; } else { m_url = "https://plus.google.com/app/basic/" + owner + "/" console.log("Tryng..." + m_url); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { var da = xhr.status; if (da == 200) { var r = xhr.responseText; var rArray = r.match(/data-owner="([^ ]+)"/); if (rArray.length > 0 && rArray[1]) { userid = rArray[1]; console.log("[1] User id is:" + userid); plusone_tab(); } else { console.log("Failed parse data-owner"); throw "stop execution"; } } else { console.log("Failed request mobile URL"); throw "stop execution"; } } } xhr.open("GET", m_url); xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); xhr.send(null); } } else { console.log("URL path got userid"); userid = owner; } } else { console.log("[0] Failed. Unable to recognize userid."); throw "stop execution"; } } } if (userid) { console.log("[0] User id is:" + userid); plusone_tab(); }
步骤 5.
然后粘贴在箭头 >> 的地方。按ENTER 键 (IE浏览器要按 CTRL+ENTER)。如下图所示。
跑了一会后,就会看见 Lady Gaga 的 +1 过的网址了。 她只 +1 过 5次。
如果没有 +1 过的话, 会显示 nothing :(
一次只显示20个网址, 如果要去下一页, 可以按最下面左下角的 "More 更多" 按钮。
其它例子, 面子书创办人。
Kevin Mitnick 喜欢的网站都是..
Linus Torvald 推荐过的唯一一个网址竟然是...
干杯 :)
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